
Fall Update

Rach & I lead Bridge Families in Kansas City where we support families that are stepping in the gap for children that often don't have a voice.  We rely on our experience and training over 15 years of foster parenting and adoption.  We both believe that every child belongs in a family that not only provides the basic needs, but supports the child to become all their potential holds.  This often looks like phone calls in the wee hours with parents in crisis.  Sometime this opening our home to host those in between housing.  Assisting with getting re-established and re-launching into their own plan.  Whether that is an apartment or dorm going on with further education.  This has included provision of meals, clothes, and lodging in the form extended stay hotel rooms for a week or two until a plan can be established. We live in an area that leads to us easily seeing those in need. We also are the executive directors for Mike Eden Ministries, Little Eden Children's home. This mi

Mike Eden Ministries / Little Eden Children's home (& Rescue Center)

  In late February 2022 Rachel & I were asked to consider positions as Executive Directors with Mike Eden Ministries. This is an established Children's home in Kenya started by Mike & Sylvia Eden.  The Eden's God breathed vision has led to 100's of Kenyan's being supported and having seen the Eden's love for Christ walked out.  In March we accepted the new created Executive Director roles which Rachel and I share together. Along with the board we made this public at the fundraiser in May, you can see that video by clicking the link here:  Board Announcement    We are excited to continue to serve alongside the board and team in Kenya. Pray for us to see the Lord's vision for the children in the home and the staff that has and is serving the needs of those in the home.   Look forward to sharing more in the coming months.

The Past few Months 2022#01

It has been a really great season on sharing our lives with some incredible survivors.  When the government of Afghanistan fell to the Taliban (Not really exactly what happened, but not my place to speak about that) there were thousands of men and women that had supported or work alongside our people that were at risk.  Thankfully, many of those who had served were able to seek refuge status and come to the U.S. A few hundred of those refugees along with their families, some not all, started being settled here in the Kansas City area.  Through a couple of connections we started serving some of the immediate needs. Taking our van to the hotel where they refugees were temporarily housed before permanent housing could be established. Some days were just a quick trip the local Wal-Mart others were runs to the health clinic for families too large to catch an Uber. Pretty quickly there was a need to begin teaching the folks to drive, first with classes for Driver's Ed. Then with trips ab

Kenyan friends giving back

We met some amazing people in our time in Kenya. One of those men was a taxi driver named Soloman.  Not having access to a vehicle for our trips into and around Nakuru took some flexibility for our crew.  So we used a taxi service to get around to the store or the occasional trip into town.  We met a couple of regular drivers that would pick up our requests.  Soloman and another gentleman John keep their "home" base very near our home.  So at first it was just by happenstance that we would get one of these amazing friends.  It wasn't long until we had direct numbers and began to call one of them every time we ran an errand. In those short trips we learned that both of these men met daily to study the word and invest regularly in those around their "stage" were they waited for fares. Soloman shared with us of his upbringing around Nakuru where things were not always easy.  It was clear he had come a long way to having a taxi job and such a heart for others was so

Tanzania has hope

  In the last few years we have enjoyed getting to know some amazing people doing the work we felt so strongly called to be a part of in Kenya.  We, more Rachel than I, made contact with this group out of Tanzania, Pamoja Leo, leading the way getting children back into families, keeping them in families and supporting families to stay together.  Long story short, we have supported them along the way a couple times as we have been able.  Most recently they needed to fund the re-printing of some resources for spreading the need.  Due to the gifts we have received previously we felt called to assist with the printing costs. We received an amazing update from them just this week, here is an excerpt: "64 new foster families trained last month! Bringing us to 99 foster families total in Tanga region from 0 just 3 years ago!  6 adoptions pending all by local families.  2 rape convictions of 30 years for two girls that have been in our foster care program.  6 abandoned babies that have ne

Our sweet blessing

Friends and Family, We have received an unexpected gift. We knew that three of our children's birth mother was expecting. We have stayed connected as much as possible.  She called early this week to inform us she had given birth to a little girl and wanted to place her directly with siblings in our home.  Rachel rushed to the hospital to support this amazing woman.  Rachel & I discussed as she drove the emotions of giving birth and how important the time with the mother would be for everyone. The birth mother was absolutely set that we keep the siblings together.  Through several ups and downs, the legal things needed finally were completed by the end of the week.  Last night, our children met their new sister. Please pray for everyone involved. We are beyond excited and honored, but at the same time honor and grieve with the birth family simultaneously.  Keeping the siblings together and connected to their mother is a blessing.  We will continue to raise these as our own learn

A world on hold.

      Remember the days of the hold on a phone call. You know, you call an office or business and you get put on hold.  Nicer businesses would have music for you while you waited. The gist of the of the hold was you waited, willingly. The answer, whether positive or negative, was worth the wait.  We all have those moments we have to wait, for something.  The question for this morning, what are you waiting for?     During this  pandemic there have been a few times that we have all waited.  Whether in a line to buy toilet tissue, take a test, or get into a store.  All of us have spent more time than we are used to waiting.  The things we have waited for recently really have changed our perspective on what is important.  The heroes among us do not wear capes.  They teach, deliver mail/goods, stock shelves, work registers and keep working when everything else "shuts down".  Heroes impact our lives more now than before this outbreak.  Let's not forget who these heroes as this