
Showing posts from January, 2021

Our sweet blessing

Friends and Family, We have received an unexpected gift. We knew that three of our children's birth mother was expecting. We have stayed connected as much as possible.  She called early this week to inform us she had given birth to a little girl and wanted to place her directly with siblings in our home.  Rachel rushed to the hospital to support this amazing woman.  Rachel & I discussed as she drove the emotions of giving birth and how important the time with the mother would be for everyone. The birth mother was absolutely set that we keep the siblings together.  Through several ups and downs, the legal things needed finally were completed by the end of the week.  Last night, our children met their new sister. Please pray for everyone involved. We are beyond excited and honored, but at the same time honor and grieve with the birth family simultaneously.  Keeping the siblings together and connected to their mother is a blessing.  We will continue to raise these as our own learn