
Showing posts from 2019

December Update 2019

Hello from Nakuru, Kenya!          So many experiences and stories could be told, it's hard to know where to start. We all hear of "orphans" and have compassion in our hearts...but I want to SHOUT from the roof tops the need for families. These babies are precious and perfect. They are a gift. ANYONE would, and should, be honored to call one of these babies, son or daughter. Sadly, very few see these gifts. Orphanages around the world are full of gifts, not just here in Kenya. Our babies needs here at Haven of Hope are very well cared for, but nothing replaces a healthy family. The enemy has been super crafty in blinding the community and painting children as burdens or unworthy. My heart breaks for the babies and also for those that are blind to the need. The current government setup does legally require orphanages here in Kenya. The foster and adoption program is set up very differently than the USA program. A child with any known living family can never be ado

Men's Devotional today

Every week day morning includes time for the men to gather for Bible study & devotion.  We have a prepared study to go through together, discuss and pray for each other. Talk about an amazing time with a great group of men.  This morning the discussion got a little warmer than average, but the resulting debate was powerful.  How do we as men support each other well? How do we lift our brothers up and help them when they stumble? We laughed, we got very quiet at times, but we all know how to better lift each other up.  When we prayed for our coming time in Kenya moments like this were at the center of our prayers.  We are exited to get this time and many others yet to come. Subscribe to our Newsletter Support us by designation to "family ministry" here: Donate Now

Landed in Kenya

In case you missed the "We touched down in Kenya" news. Here is a quick update. Our crew did rather amazing considering the hours of travel to arrive here. We may have "ugly" passed out in Zurich for an hour or so. The flight crew on the Swiss Air flight included an attendant who had been adopted and took the sweetest shine to our family. Took above and beyond care of all of us through the flight. Upon handing out the immigration papers to be filled out, the attendant suggested that I use counter in the galley for more room. Then he found additional flight crew to help fill out all the required documents. Talk about feeling loved and seeing the hand of the Lord go before us. Simply put, the forms they filled out were much more legible than those I filled out. Kenya immigrations and customs went incredibly smooth. Met friends in the parking lot who ventured to see us with a beautiful cake. We spent a short night in Nairobi then headed to Naku

Tickets are booked, it is happening!

Y'all, I can't say Enough about MVTI  and Denis who served us by working to book our flights.  We thought we had flights lined up and the bottom fell out with our meager efforts.  There was a moment yesterday that we began to think about changing schedules completely.  But the Lord had other plans to not just show up, but show off working through Denis.                                                        Subscribe to our Newsletter

When schedules fall into place.

First a quick trip report, if you want the big news skip to the second paragraph:  We had the opportunity to travel into Texas to see Jim & Trena with their girls in Austin early this week.  So we took off late last week headed south.  Really, it was perfect weather timing, Kansas City was getting the first blustery cold front of the fall.  Stopped traveling along the route to see dinosaur tracks in a creek bed that defy reality.  It is one thing to see posed fossils in a museum, but seeing trackways in a riverbed stretched all of our imaginations. We were hosted a few nights by our old neighbors (who 'kind of' knew cray cray they were inviting). Sunday were blessed to attend a worship service at Houston's First.  Monday we drove to Austin to see Jim & Trena.  We had an amazing visit playing at the park and shared a meal together.  Spent a night in Galveston, played at the beach and drove back to our furlough home in Kansas City. We have been asked to move up

Keeping our focus

We have four boys, they take turns mowing the lawn with dad. We are blessed to live in a furlough residence as we finalize paperwork and prepare to serve at His Cherished Ones in Kenya. Our family will be going to Kenya in February 2020.  Of our four boys, a couple have been mowing with me for several years while the younger boys are just learning.  Our last mowing was accomplished by a less seasoned crew member who was struggling. The struggle was not if could he push the self propelled mower.  His battle was where to keep his focus.  Each time he turned the mower around, lining up the next pass using the front wheels to get proper spacing.  However, his struggle was not looking further down the path. With every mowed pass keeping the wrong focus, the harder it was to keep the mower on track. The tracks were no longer straight, easy paths, but curving arches that are not as easy with the push mower.  Keeping his head down looking at the closest visual cue was making the long runs m

The Journey for today.

We find ourselves on this journey as a family. Getting our crew ready to serve in a different role.  Praying constantly for the Lord to give us opportunities to prepare each of us for things yet to come.  Home schooling was clearly the best option for the time being for the school aged children. Thanks to a local church we have enrolled Ruby in a pre-k program.   The connections with the boys and Wren as we "help" with the homework have been so good.  Being able to focus time with them to build connections and strengthen our relationship together has proven a gift.  Today we rolled out early to give a family member some support with our hands and feet.  Something as small as cutting back a summer's worth of growth and bagging the spoils of war with common weeds. It is just plain good for us to work together.  On the drive home we learned the children's home we are going to serve in Kenya took a new placement today. Hearing our family excited in the car to go, meet

Every day, small steps.

Wanted to share a quick story from this morning.  Today I got up early to go change the oil in the family car.  Leaving for the quick lube joint early enough to make the planned 10am coffee with a great friend and brother.  Upon arrival at the quick lube the wait would be longer than expected, but still work to keep the appointment.  Walked outside, found a shady spot to sit for a moment.  Sat quietly for a moment, reflecting and praying to the Lord for guidance about the next events on the calendar.  Messaged the 10am appointment, to find he was literally driving by the quick lube. Jumped in his car and went on to our coffee an hour ahead of schedule.  During our chat another dear brother seemingly randomly chose to stop for breakfast at the same place.  The time sharing and hearing from these two men was a blessing that only the Lord could have orchestrated.  Today's lesson, you don't have to figure it all out, you can't.  Our plans are always going to fall short of His p

Preparing our crew to serve.

We packed up our cars and headed out with two goals in our minds. Spend more time as our core family unit was our first main goal.  Just get into a solid routine of just having our crew together to depend on.  It may seem a little strange, but with our crew we usually have everybody moving in a different direction most all of the time.  Being on the road and staying so close would keep us moving in the same direction.  At least for a few days.  We knew that a road trip would bring us lessons on about being a cohesive unity that our family will need to prepare us for His Cherished Ones in Kenya.  The second goal was exactly that, pray that situations along the trip would prepare each of us for the travels yet to come.  There are four of our children that have not done much traveling especially long trips. We travelled the first day into Chicago, nice and easy.  Ventured into Millennium Park late to find the kids a place to stretch after our first drive. Sadly, the playground was

Importance of family time

Men, this post is for you. Most men define who they are by what they do for a living.  We have to let that go, simply put.  At the very highest in the priority list your job or profession should rank no higher than third.  Following the Lord is number one. Being a husband and father number two, most often expressed as family.  However, we place so much emphasis on what we "do" as men that we regularly get this all messed up.  Don't let your daily work become the top priority in your life.

We are on the move.

Hi Friends and arms have welcomed us into the family of His Cherished Ones International Ministry in Nakuru, Kenya. Ten weeks ago we listed our home for sale NOT knowing where or what God had planned. We quickly received an offer on our home and that SAME day we prayed over a completely unexpected invitation that we accepted to partner with HCO. HCO was founded in 2008 by Trena Ivy Mroczko. Our family is honored to announce that we will be partnering with His Cherished Ones (HCO) International in Nakuru, Kenya. The same place that Haley (our eldest) served last year and she will be joining us in this journey. This ministry closely mirrors the heart Nick and I have for serving children and their families. HCO is the umbrella ministry and the following ministries are currently thriving: - Providing safe and loving homes to babies and toddlers at Haven of Hope Baby center while addressing the barriers to reunification or adoption. -Training and discipling m

Big changes

In the last few months the Lord has been working in our hearts and lives.  Let me share a few details that prayerfully bring to light how the Lord has moved in the recent months. First, our family has been permanent with the four boys and four girls since June of 2017.  Through the blessing of adoption we have been able to love on the children in our home as Mom and Dad without concern that could change.  All ten of the Rosenbaum’s will be traveling to Kenya, most likely in early 2020.  Our older children are beyond excited while the younger children are a bit more reserved, but looking forward to the coming changes. Second, this has been a possibility for our family for years.  This recent season has so clearly been the Lord’s timing.  Back in January of this year the Lord began laying on our hearts to put the house on the market. Repeatedly, we heard the Lord calling on our lives to be ready.  So in an act of obedience in April we put the house on the market with no plan for

You really don't know what tomorrow holds. It is better that way.

A little scripture food for thought, we hear clearly don't worry about tomorrow in this gem. Matthew 6:34 gives us the "today will have enough trouble of it own". A few days ago a version of this verse was posted, let's call it the modern translation.  " If you knew what the Lord had planned for tomorrow, you just might miss what He has for you today. Be still and listen."  Still true no matter how you slice, dice or cut down the core.  But let's look at the placement of this gem. The verse before states we should seek the kingdom of the Lord, live a righteous life and He will give us all these things.  These things are simply the daily bread kind of questions, "What shall I eat/wear/drink." Our basic needs of life we often tend to worry about should not be our focus. The following verse calls us not to judge.  How often do we see others around us and covet, want what they have, judge their choices and completely miss what the Lord is doing

What support does a foster family crave?

Have you ever been asked how you can support a foster family?  What do they really need to succeed? How can you impact their hearts as they give of themselves to children in their homes.  There are so many things you can do (acts), to list a few: laundry, meals, deliver food, give them a break and watch the kids (this might require first aid and a background check), clean their house, braid hair, take family photos, paper plates, paper towels, yard work, celebrate the child (baby showers), drive them to visits.  Those are all things that will possibly require both time and money.  Not too much of either, but to bless the foster family with one of these acts it will take some of your resources. Let me suggest those are all well and good, but fall short of the real long term need for a foster parent.  The truth be told, they just need to feel your support, to not be alone. To know that as they stand in the gap for the children in their home they have you with them. I use the phrase &

The cost of foster/adoption.

Was asked today for a brief thought on the cost of adoption. First, of all adoption will cost more than you can ever imagine, more time, more money, more stress, more willingness to accept your lack of control, more prayer, more patience, more understanding.  Second, you are not prepared, you can not prepare, you can not understand, you can not do this on your own power.  Third, you and your wife are prayerfully considering something so close to God’s heart that James calls it “pure and undefiled religion”. Religion is not just going to a building a few times a year on Sunday.  Religion is the daily walking out your faith to be more like our Father in heaven.  This journey will give you a chance in this life to walk closer to the Lord than most people can fathom.  The Lord chose to love us, His children in spite of the messes we can make of our lives.  Through Jesus’s sacrifice we can enter the throne room of God cleansed of the messes we often find ourselves in.  Finally, you are