
Showing posts from July, 2019

Every day, small steps.

Wanted to share a quick story from this morning.  Today I got up early to go change the oil in the family car.  Leaving for the quick lube joint early enough to make the planned 10am coffee with a great friend and brother.  Upon arrival at the quick lube the wait would be longer than expected, but still work to keep the appointment.  Walked outside, found a shady spot to sit for a moment.  Sat quietly for a moment, reflecting and praying to the Lord for guidance about the next events on the calendar.  Messaged the 10am appointment, to find he was literally driving by the quick lube. Jumped in his car and went on to our coffee an hour ahead of schedule.  During our chat another dear brother seemingly randomly chose to stop for breakfast at the same place.  The time sharing and hearing from these two men was a blessing that only the Lord could have orchestrated.  Today's lesson, you don't have to figure it all out, you can't.  Our plans are always going to fall short of His p

Preparing our crew to serve.

We packed up our cars and headed out with two goals in our minds. Spend more time as our core family unit was our first main goal.  Just get into a solid routine of just having our crew together to depend on.  It may seem a little strange, but with our crew we usually have everybody moving in a different direction most all of the time.  Being on the road and staying so close would keep us moving in the same direction.  At least for a few days.  We knew that a road trip would bring us lessons on about being a cohesive unity that our family will need to prepare us for His Cherished Ones in Kenya.  The second goal was exactly that, pray that situations along the trip would prepare each of us for the travels yet to come.  There are four of our children that have not done much traveling especially long trips. We travelled the first day into Chicago, nice and easy.  Ventured into Millennium Park late to find the kids a place to stretch after our first drive. Sadly, the playground was

Importance of family time

Men, this post is for you. Most men define who they are by what they do for a living.  We have to let that go, simply put.  At the very highest in the priority list your job or profession should rank no higher than third.  Following the Lord is number one. Being a husband and father number two, most often expressed as family.  However, we place so much emphasis on what we "do" as men that we regularly get this all messed up.  Don't let your daily work become the top priority in your life.