A world on hold.

     Remember the days of the hold on a phone call. You know, you call an office or business and you get put on hold.  Nicer businesses would have music for you while you waited. The gist of the of the hold was you waited, willingly. The answer, whether positive or negative, was worth the wait.  We all have those moments we have to wait, for something.  The question for this morning, what are you waiting for?

    During this pandemic there have been a few times that we have all waited.  Whether in a line to buy toilet tissue, take a test, or get into a store.  All of us have spent more time than we are used to waiting.  The things we have waited for recently really have changed our perspective on what is important.  The heroes among us do not wear capes.  They teach, deliver mail/goods, stock shelves, work registers and keep working when everything else "shuts down".  Heroes impact our lives more now than before this outbreak.  Let's not forget who these heroes as this pandemic passes, which it will eventually.

    Take a moment, get quiet and focus on what is the things you have waited on most during this giant global pause. Sure, life goes on, but what has been worth the wait? What can we we stop waiting for?

    We are waiting, just like the rest of the world. Clarity, direction and next steps for our family as we patiently wait. Knowing there is so much to wait for, we all hold on.  Knowing that elections, pandemics and global turmoil are just temporary "holds".


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