
Showing posts from December, 2019

December Update 2019

Hello from Nakuru, Kenya!          So many experiences and stories could be told, it's hard to know where to start. We all hear of "orphans" and have compassion in our hearts...but I want to SHOUT from the roof tops the need for families. These babies are precious and perfect. They are a gift. ANYONE would, and should, be honored to call one of these babies, son or daughter. Sadly, very few see these gifts. Orphanages around the world are full of gifts, not just here in Kenya. Our babies needs here at Haven of Hope are very well cared for, but nothing replaces a healthy family. The enemy has been super crafty in blinding the community and painting children as burdens or unworthy. My heart breaks for the babies and also for those that are blind to the need. The current government setup does legally require orphanages here in Kenya. The foster and adoption program is set up very differently than the USA program. A child with any known living family can never be ado